Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking Toward Lent

The 3rd Grade GIFT class was working on their Lenten project last night.
A lot of work went into each and every one.

First was the rolling...

Then came some braiding...

Followed by the transfer to a plate...

Then it was the very careful placement of the toothpicks...

And finally, a finished Crown of Thorns.

During Lent, the 3rd graders will work to remove the thorns by doing good deeds. By Easter time, the crowns should be free of thorns and ready for Easter decoration!


St. Olaf Faith Formation said...

Emily this is a cool idea. Would you please share with the DRE group? Kathy

Sarah R. said...

That is an awesome idea! I love the symbolism and incorporating doing good deeds for Lent. Way to go 3rd grade!