Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Deck the (Charles) Hall!

The 5th grade GIFT class has been working hard this Advent season. They've collected lots of great items... spent some time making them into ornaments... and even more time decorating the trees and the tables (and even the ceiling) in Charles Hall.

The 1st graders helped them to create the ornaments, and the 6th graders pitched in as well, making fleece tie scarves.

What for?! For Tuesday's Table guests, of course!

"Watch" the story on the slideshow below :)

You all did a beautiful job turning Charles Hall into a Christmas Wonderland :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's Beginning to Sound A Lot Like Christmas...

We're still fully immersed in the Advent season, but because of the upcoming holiday pile-up, GIFT doesn't meet again until after the Christmas season has ended...

So we have to recognize it somehow :)

Here's a BEAUTIFUL rendition of a Christmas song (I'll let you discern which song it is!) by the 5th grade "Jar Choir."
hint: you may have to crank your volume :)

A Beautiful Advent Wreath...

Once again proving that the most beautiful things come not from the store but from the work of our very own hands :)
The Genesis class made an Advent wreath. If you look closely, you'll find that they've written out good deeds & great actions that they can do with their family this Advent season.

What a great way to count down the weeks to our celebration of Christ's birth at Christmas, as we recognize his actions in our lives today, and look forward to when he comes again.

This is one amazing wreath!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Book Fair News (and Thanks Too!)

Thank you to everyone for volunteering and shopping at the book fair in November. The fair was very successful! Many interesting and fun books were donated to the library. I took the library profit in Scholastic dollars. This method gave a return to the library totaling 60% of all sales. We are able to purchase library materials and books using this process. Thank you everyone for your support.

On the weekend of February 14, in the church basement, I will have Catholic books for the Lent and Easter season. The books will be sold at cost. This is not a fundraiser, simply a means to provide families who are interested in spiritual enrichment. Thank you ---- Cindy Marach

Thanks SO MUCH Cindy for all that you do to bring Book Fairs to St. Joe's :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Wreath In Action!

The 6th graders led our Advent prayers and lit the first candle last night during our GIFT gathering.


Pardon the poor pictures - the camera was on an odd setting - or maybe the camera operator was a bit distracted!!! Either way, I apologize!

 The items in front of the podium are some of what has been contributed so far for the 5th grade GIFT Advent service project. These items will be made into ornaments and hung on a tree in Charles Hall for all guests of Tuesday's Table.
There's still time to contribute... drop off items at the Parish Center, or have your child bring them to GIFT on December 16th. Hats, mittens, candy canes, Little Debbie snack cakes -
"if you bring it, the 5th graders will string it!!!"