Tuesday, May 11, 2010

GIFT's Out for Summer... (Kid's Club Coming Soon!)

With these not-so-warm days, it's hard to believe that another GIFT year is over. Once again we had a WONDERFUL year. We are truly blessed with caring and hardworking catechists here at St. Joe's. THANK YOU catechists!!!

There was a lot going on during the last GIFT class. Ice cream sundaes, root beer floats, a scavenger hunt, some final touches on a Mass Book project, a picnic, and Q&A with Fr. Tom were just some of the activities. Here are some pics of what the 4th grade did that night...

They hosted an indoor picnic (thanks to those April-showers-in-May!)
It was a tasty spread of food...
...share with a close bunch of friends :)

They ended the class with some questions for Fr. Tom...

Note: Pretzels & a plant make great spur-of-the-moment Visual Aids to explain a concept more clearly!

Next up???

Summer Kid's Club!!! Mark your calendar:
July 6th-8th, 2010
More details will follow!!!